Yuki release augustus 2023

Gewijzigd op Thu, 31 Aug 2023 om 01:01 PM

Software release

  • CRMHub-verbinding tussen je CRM-systeem en accountant portaal in Yuki

Via de CRMHub is het mogelijk om wijzigingen in je Visma CRM-systeem zoals Simplicate, Radar, Advisor of ClientOnline te synchroniseren met andere Visma producten zoals o.a. je accountant portaal in Yuki. Deze wijzigingen kunnen automatisch of alleen na handmatige goedkeuring worden gesynchroniseerd.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel CRMHub voor portaal instellen.

  • Kolom 'Afsluitdatum' kan worden toegevoegd aan overzicht Administraties in accountant portaal

De datum tot en met wanneer een administratie is afgesloten waardoor er voor en op die datum door geen enkele gebruiker meer wijzigingen aangebracht kunnen worden, kan nu worden getoond in het overzicht 'Administraties' in het accountant portaal door de kolom 'Afsluitdatum' toe te voegen.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Administraties.

  • Portaalbeheerder kan contract administratie via domein beĆ«indigen

Een gebruiker met de rol 'Portaalbeheerder' kan via het domein het contract van een administratie beƫindigen.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Contract van administratie opzeggen.

Opgeloste bugs

  • 88358 Due to long descriptions not all the information is visible
    Fixed a Bug where in some cases e.g. due to long descriptions of a bank transaction, important columns like debit/credit where no longer visible when the document preview is activated. This is a fix for the old aspx page on the FinTransactionList.
  • 151002/149521 Selecting a Contact & GL account not working properly anymore in different screens
    In different screens across Yuki, we noticed that selecting a contact or GL account was no longer working properly. This has now been corrected.
  • 139423 Book balance to 0 - VAT transaction type unspecified
    When blocking a year followed by booking VAT gl account balances to 0 by making use of the button (book balance to 0) while there are multiple VAT types applicable, Yuki now does not have to choose between VAT types anymore.
    Example: if a domain has multiple VAT type for VAT high, Yuki formerly showed the message: 'VAT transaction line has no tax type specified: VAT on supplies/services taxed with high rate', on which temporarily all but one VAT types should have been disable in order to make the booking. In such occasions will Yuki now choose to keep the balance booking to be exempt from tax.
  • 139449 NL VAT invoice EU shows Reverse instead of 0% 
    Sales invoices with tax type 19: Yuki will now print VAT 0% on the PDF invoice as well as the statement: VAT zero-rated intra-Community supply of goods following article 138 Directive 2006/112/EC. The Dutch translation is: Btw naar u verlegd conform artikel 138, lid 1, Richtlijn 2006/112.
  • 63615 Partner Portal > Settings > Terms and conditions > first possible link gives error
    We fixed the upload button in the Portal's Terms&Conditions. And we solved the pop-up in the domains, and now the Manager role will have a pop-up, once a day until they sign it.
  • 139415 Portal user without Portal Manager role sees buttons 'remove user' and 'create user'
    We hid the "Remove user" button to the users that can't perform the action.
  • 155623 Exchange FIAT api doesn't update
    We now correctly track the exchange rate for the Zambian Kwacha.
  • 161114 Invoice Processing: clicking on 'close button' you are taken back to the overview to process the invoice
    When closing the document, that was generated after processing an invoice in the sales invoice editor, the processed invoice was opened in the editor again. The issue has been resolved, once the invoice is processed the invoice cannot be opened in the editor again. When closing the document, the user now returns to the invoice overview lists.
  • 158955 Petty cash does not arrive in Yuki via the webservice
    The petty cash webservice will now return an error if the headers of the importstatement are incorrect. Previously the validation only happened in the domain itself, therefore the sending party didn't notice any errors. 

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