Yuki release december 2023

Gewijzigd op Ma, 15 Jan, 2024 om 9:51 AM

Software release

  • Filter 'Opstart' toegevoegd aan overzicht 'Domeinen' in portaal

De domeinen in het portaal kunnen behalve op 'Actief', 'Inactief;  en 'Gearchiveerd' nu ook worden gefilterd op 'Opstart'.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Domeinen.

  • Instellingen Nmbrs nu ook beschikbaar bij domeininstellingen

Een gebruiker met de 'Backoffice' rol in het domein vindt de instellingen voor een goede configuratie van een domein of administratie(s) voor de import van loonstroken, loonjournaalposten, loonaangiften en jaaropgaven via de koppeling met Nmbrs nu ook terug bij de domeininstellingen.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Instellingen.

  • Urenspecificatie werkzaamheden toevoegen aan verkoopfactuur

Wanneer je gebruik maakt van de urenregistratie in Yuki en je de werkzaamheden wilt factureren aan je klanten is het nu mogelijk om in een nieuwe factuurlay-out aan te geven dat de urenspecificatie onderin elke verkoopfactuur moet worden toegevoegd. Hiervoor vink je in de factuurlay-out de optie 'Voeg urenspecificatie toe bij facturering van werkzaamheden' aan.

Deze mogelijkheid is alleen beschikbaar wanneer de optie ;Urenregistratie' is toegevoegd aan de bundel Small. Medium, Large of Unlimited.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Algemeen (factuurlay-out)

Opgeloste bugs

  • 173554 Special characters throw errors in contact card link
    We noticed that contacts with a special character in its name (such as &, #, ...) were unable to open the new default values. This has now been fixed.
  • As an assets user in a domain with multiple companies, I want the company specific asset group settings to be copied correctly into each default asset detail
    Company specific asset group settings in a domain with multiple administrations are now being set correctly as a default for new investments instead of using the asset group settings from the "main" company by default for all different companies
  • 152244 PDF received by peppol is not shown correctly in check entries screen
    Invoices received through Peppol do now have a correct PDF preview in: the bundle bin, the check entries list, the archive and probably in more places throughout Yuki. Until now we were just showing a "PDF icon" and not the actual visual of the invoice.
  • 168098 Spread costs/turnover for 1 month over 2 different months
    Fixed pro rata spreading of costs when the amount is accrued on a specific date for 1 month, where part of the cost is taken into account in the current month and part is accrued to the next month.
  • In quality monitor, opening Assets in a new tab (right click/scroll wheel button) results in Assets being opened in the old UI
    Opening Unapproved new assets in the Quality Monitor now results in showing Assets in the new UI, instead of the old UI.
  • 164036 General journal move to other GLaccount doesn't give GLaccount suggestion
    When clicking on the action "Move to Gl account" in the FintransactionList.aspx and typing in the first digits of the targeted gl account code, Yuki will now correctly give a dropdown with all the possible Gl accounts.
  • Bundle store - Credit card fields are not showing in the shopping cart
    In the bundle store, the credit card fields (payment method) would not always show properly. This issue has now been resolved.
  • 176351 Sustainability monitor shows error message / can't fetch data
    The sustainability monitor was no longer displaying any results for NL domains, this issue should now be fixed.
  • As a user, I want correct information to be sent via the email to customer after archiving the domain
  • After archiving a domain, confirmation e-mails must be in the language of the user instead of portal language
  • 150139 Disable opening balance gl accounts in step 4 import of historic and intermediate import
    The following GL accounts have been made invisible to select in step 4 of the import wizard.
    • 02999 Opening balance Assets
    • 11099 Opening balance banks
    • 13001 Opening balance debtors
    • 16001 Opening balance creditors
    • 23150 Opening balance

      The above applies to historic and non-historic imports. This fix is made in order to prevent importing users to select GL accounts that could cause duplicate bookings, as Yuki also creates bookings later on in the importing process.
  • 166403 Revaluation of foreign currency results in an error
    Foreign currency exchange differences are correctly booked again on the existing 45850 gl account.
  • 166388 PDF Export for larger domains is not delivered by mail
    Resolve PDF export issues, the yukicentral export job overview is now accurate (exports from accountant users were not displayed) and the export job is now allowed to run for up to a day, making sure big exports no longer get cancelled before they can be finalized.

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