Yuki release november 2023

Gewijzigd op Mon, 18 Dec 2023 om 12:52 PM

Software release

  • Functionaliteit van standaardwaarden uitgebreid

In de nieuwe kolom 'Gekoppelde UBL-regels' staat een vinkje wanneer er voor een standaardwaarde al één of meer UBL-regels zijn aangemaakt.

De gegevens in de weergave 'Standaardwaarde' kunnen nu d.m.v. het uitgebreide filter worden gefilterd op de automatisch verwerking/afhandeling van de standaardwaarde: altijd, toegestaan of nooit.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Standaardwaarden (lokale verwerkingsregels) in domein.

  • Lay-out in overzichten aangepast

In de onderstaande overzichten worden de totalen van elke categorie nu in een witte balk onderaan de categorie getoond:

  • Omzet en kosten
  • Bezittingen en schulden
  • Omzet en kosten per waarde (Analytisch boekhouden)
  • Omzet en kosten waardenvergelijking (Analytisch boekhouden)
  • Omzet en kosten per dimensie (Analytisch boekhouden)
  • Activastaat.

Opgeloste bugs

  • Sales invoice editor - When field Customer is empty, the user can use action buttons resulting in an error
    When creating a sales invoice, the user could move the invoice to 'Ready to send' without entering a valid customer, resulting in an error. This issue has now been resolved.
  • 171901 RGS Bridge Statement shows 'old' data after changing a booking depending on the document date 
    Fixed an issue in RGS Bridge Statement exports which caused the ProfitLossLastYear to also count transactions on 01-01 of the current year, which lead to incorrect amounts.
  • 21388 Automatic reminders sent twice
    For some invoices (created through Contracts), automatic reminders would be send out twice to the customer. This issue has now been resolved.
  • Reports 2.1 - A&L Yearly Comparison (online) and Compare prev year (pdf) always show starting balance amounts
    Fixed an issue causing the online Assets and Liabilities yearly comparison report as well as the custom report PDF with comparison to a previous year to always show starting balance amounts, regardless of selecting [ ] or ->] in the period selector.
  • Status not updated in the domain when autoprocess of the document fails
    When autoprocessing of documents failed with an error, the document in the workflow was still in the status 'Submitted for autoprocessing'. This has now been fixed. The documents that failed during autoprocess will be moved to 'Completed' status to keep it consistent with the old flow.
  • Validate IsDuplicate in IDR InvoiceProcessor, make sure document does not get auto processed
    There was a recent issue with Separate Auto Processing where duplicate invoices were being auto processed. This has been fixed where we also consider the documents in the auto process queue in the duplicate check
  • Impossible to create default value or UBL-line without contact
    It is possible again to create a default value or UBL line when no contact is filled in (for sales invoices).
  • 156356 Create new Quotation - default due date not selected from sales settings

    When creating a quotation, the default due date would not be entered based on the sales settings. This issue has now been resolved.

  • 175502 When domain is Bundle Pricing Candidate, the bundle store does not recommend the correct bundle
    For Bundle Pricing Candidate domains, the bundle store would not always recommend the correct bundle. The issue has now been resolved.
  • Create Financial Entry button does not show up anymore after finalising a payment file and then enabling the aggregated option
    The 'Create generally entry' button is now visible again for payments that do not include a payment discount. To trigger this event, finalise a payment file while the aggregated option in the bank account details is off. Then turn it on and check if the button is visible.
  • 169476 Change picture how to upload on drive in PO box
    New picture is added for BE-NL to show the correct steps how to share documents to your Yuki domain through Google Drive. The mail address shown in the BE-NL language was a wrong one, therefor this change.
  • 172104 OSS sales - Update description VAT code

    Updated the name of VAT type 40 to " Btw goederen en (digitale) diensten binnen de EU (OSS)". 

  • 113018 Sales 21 - Phone number isn't saved properly when creating a new customer in the process of creating an invoice
    In the sales invoice editor, when creating a new contact the phone number would not be stored in the correct field on the contact card. This issue has now been resolved.
  • After editing GL Account the Description is not shown on the overview page
    The gl account description was no longer visible in the UI after changing the Gl account settings.
  • UBL lines overview displaying too many columns
    Default values 2.1 - Removed unnecessary columns (Amount, Currency, Payment Method) in the UBL lines overview, because they only applied to default values.
  • Contacts/Default value - Advanced filters

    Default values/UBL lines 2.1: Advanced filter on processing/Payment method was also available in the UBL line overview, which is incorrect.

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