Yuki release september 2023

Gewijzigd op Mon, 25 Sep 2023 om 03:28 PM

Software release

  • Herinneringsniveau verkoopfacturen wijzigen zonder verzending

Het herinneringsniveau van één of meer verkoopfacturen (gegenereerd o.b.v. de Verkoop functionaliteit in Yuki) kan nu worden gewijzigd zonder dat er een herinnering voor deze facturen wordt verstuurd.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Achterstallige facturen. 

  • Uren vanuit urenregistratie als CSV-bestand exporteren

Vanuit het overzicht 'Gewerkte uren' kunnen de geregistreerde uren van een specifieke week, maand of jaar worden geëxporteerd als een CSV-bestand.

Opgeloste bugs

  •  156583 After reloading the Sales monitor in a domain with multiple administrations, the diagrams show totals instead of a single administration
    After refreshing the sales dashboard, the graphs and tiles would not always be filtered correctly based the selected administration. This issue has now been resolved.
  • 100576 NMBRS API AOF & WKO are not imported
    When importing payroll tax from Nmbrs, the PDF generated by Yuki in the archive now also displays premiums for AOF and WKO. In addition, the amount listed for the AWF premium has been corrected.
  • 164366 Hyperlink in portal settings for loket is not correct
    Updated learn more link on Loket settings page, now correctly goes to relevant help resource.
  • 163860 Custom payment method unusable via Sales Webservice
    Sales webservice has been updated to accept the custom payment method in the ProcessSalesInvoice call.
  • 151152 VAT dropdown is not shown when navigating from group by offset account
    Processing bank transactions by using the 'Group by offset account' button now shows the VAT dropdown correctly after setting the ledger account.
  • 155602 VAT ICP tab shows 3a instead of 3b
    The ICP tab now shows 3b instead of 3a.
  • 157777 Quality monitor grade for depreciations does not take Financial import files into account 
    The grading algorithm for the assets deprecations will now take financial import files into consideration when grading.
  • 162859 GLaccount 09999 should not be taken all years into account when downloading a custom export 
    Before this change, the value shown was the profit of the current year, as well as transactions in previous years on that GL account till the selected end period. This is desirable for other GL accounts, but for this one it was both wrong and misleading.
    After this change, the value shown is the profit of the current year of the selected period.
  • 137068 When splitting out bank transactions in foreign valuta the resulted booking creates a difference between Debet and Credit 
    When a bank transaction in foreign currency gets split, the resulted booking is no longer unbalanced (Debet = Credit).
  • 164967 Import csv files with special characters results in duplicate wrong relations
    Special characters in the csv files of an financial import file were not converted correctly.
  • 108200  When creating Quotation to EU country (with linked VAT Number) we get error message 
    When creating a draft quotation, the user would receive an error when trying to use the VAT codes 'Export of goods/services inside the EU' for sending an invoice to an EU country. The issue has now been resolved.
  • 145466 CSV format of American Expres (Amex) has changed

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