Yuki release juni 2023

Gewijzigd op Mon, 26 Jun 2023 om 10:50 AM

Software release

  • Commentaar toevoegen aan taak

Het is nu mogelijk om een commentaar aan een taak toe te voegen. De naam van de aanmaker, aanmaakdatum en aanmaaktijd van het commentaar worden na het versturen van het commentaar zichtbaar.

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Opgeloste bugs

  • 134388 Sales tax number visible outside the domain
    To align with GDPR requirements, Yuki will now display the VAT identification number in place of the Sales tax number. This change is especially important for back-office users processing purchase invoices and retrieving contact details from the Yuki central database. This step reinforces our commitment to upholding privacy standards and ensures our system's compliance with GDPR regulations.
  • 142765 Credit Card doesn't get accepted
    Yuki will now check if the accountant number is tied to the domain and if it's of type credit card to improve the CSV import
  • 147393 Login to yukiworks on the browser on your phone/tablet redirects you to login page instead of actually logging in
    You can now again login through a mobile browser into Yuki.
  • 24146 Cash transaction stuck in VAT doc when it was moved to another GL via the GL account transactions list
    When a cash statement was booked with VAT and has been moved afterwards to another GLaccount the previous booking on the VAT GLaccount wasn't made undone. As a result the transaction was taken twice into the VAT declaration. This is now been resolved. (tag: MoveGLAccountDeleteVATAmounts)
  • When selecting all years + end date in export transaction csv/ pdf the export still takes all years
    No more "End date' field is shown when exporting transactions to a PDF for "All years" because this doesn't make sense.
  • Datepicker changing periods acts weird for broken fiscal years
    Moving backward or forward in an extended fiscal year, the date picker would jump 2 years. This is now resolved.
  • 141035 delete removed banktransactions
    We have made a fix for the kdv domain under the 'Inconsistency52' tag that should allow them to use the inconsistencies to remove the ghost transactions.
  • Error when sending reminders: Bad data
    In some specific domains, when sending an invoice reminder, the user would receive a 'bad data' error caused by incorrect encryption/decryption of the email address. This issue has now been resolved.
  • Unsupported_file received from the Dropbox API
    Fix to solve the issue when customers upload unsupported file types in Dropbox.

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