Software release
- Duurzaamheidsmonitor
Een gebruiker met de 'Backoffice' rol in het domein of de rol 'Financiële administratie', 'Externe accountant' of 'Directie' kan de Duurzaamheidsmonitor bekijken.
Deze monitor geeft een indicatie van de CO2-voetafdruk van elke administratie in je domein.
Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Duurzaamheidsmonitor.
- Verbetering van Contacts webservice
Er kan een filter worden toegepast om alle klanten, alle leveranciers of beiden te krijgen.
Opgeloste bugs
- Loket Object not set to reference (AL LIVE)
- Period selector could break when administration has tag for ISO8601
- 114056 Able to complete questions without response customer
Users can now always complete backoffice questions, even if they are unanswered. This was required so outstanding questions which have been answered directly (eg. via phone) can be completed instead of having to be deleted. - 148652 Mark reference also visually as duplicate when case sensitive
Invoice references are not case sensitive when checking for invoice duplicates, but we didn't show this properly in the BO entry duplicate warning. When a reference is detected as duplicate but the case is different, we now also show this as a match in green. - 122516 Date picker issue when switching between pages with custom fiscal years
When drilling down in the fin reports and a month view is selected, this month is now always correctly shown in the GL account transactions list, also in broken fiscal years.
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