Yuki release december 2021

Gewijzigd op Do, 17 Feb, 2022 om 9:07 AM

Software release

  • Spam filter voor onterechte e-mail in Digitale post

Alle e-mail (met document) die ten onrechte (spam) in de Digitale Post terecht is gekomen, kan door een gebruiker handmatig in de folder Spam worden geplaatst. 

Vanaf dat moment wordt alle e-mail afkomstig van de desbetreffende afzender(s) door Yuki beschouwd als spam en automatisch in de folder Spam geplaatst. Alle afzenders worden op de zogenaamde blacklist geplaatst.

Alle e-mail die in de folder Spam is geplaatst kan echter op elk moment weer handmatig worden teruggezet in Digitale Post.

Vanaf dat moment wordt alle e-mail afkomstig van de desbetreffende afzender(s) door Yuki niet meer beschouwd als spam en weer automatisch in Digitale Post en in de workflow geplaatst. Alle afzenders worden op de zogenaamde whitelist geplaatst.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Spam.

Opgeloste bugs

  • Payroll assessment gets no subject
    Changing document type from [anything] to Payrol tax assessment is not resulting in an empty subject anymore.
  • BO message does not accept any breaklines anymore
    When we added an 'Enter' to the BO message, this wasn't correctly saved and displayed on a domain level
  • Group by contact or item with turnover GL accounts presents wrong figures

    GL account total now correct regardless of grouping option selection for revenue & cost accounts.

  • Yuki throws an error message when I import a Rabobank credit card transaction file
     issue with Rabo credit card number change.

  • Mollie direct debit should be passed as direct debit in the UBL of a sales invoice
    Mollie DD issue UBL payment method
  • A corrupt quotations cannot be removed because the contact is deleted
    After having created a sales quotation, it was possible to delete the related contact. When trying to delete the quotation afterwards, this caused an error as the quotation could not be opened when no contact is present. This issue has now been resolved, the user receives a warning when trying to delete a contact that has a linked quotation.
  • Filter Transactions overview doesn't work properly for transactions per administration
    Make the portal filter of the Transactions per administration work
  • Cash guarantees is presented twice on the trial balance
  • Make Mollie transaction type "partnercommission" get read out correctly
    Mollie connection: we now also read out transactions of the type "partner commission".

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