Yuki release oktober 2021

Gewijzigd op Do, 3 Feb, 2022 om 10:16 AM

Opgeloste bugs

  • Quality monitor query time out - unapproved new assets
    Optimize the query of the unapproved assets checklist in the quality monitor to reduce the risk of getting a query timeout
  • User cannot import correction payroll slips from Loket
    Loket payrollslips with a correction in previous period(s) could be marked as duplicate as a payrollslip for the previous period is already imported. The reference of the slip will now contain the run sequencenumber to prevent false positives in the duplicate check.
  • Smart matching goes wrong
    The smart matching has been adjusted to prevent the overmatching of transactions when matching in bulk. This resulted in outstanding transactions that users would have to manually unmatch.
  • Issue average satisfaction in portal
    The average satisfaction was displaying incorrectly
  • Impossible to create a new template question
    It was impossible to create new template questions, this has been fixed
  • creating UBL rules with portal language not EN will create a document rule instead of line rule
    We fixed the issue where creating an UBL line leads to a document default value if you're not working in English
  • Portal ubl code in ubl line rule in portal only accepts numbers
    Make sure the UBL item code accepts more than just numbers
  • Portal - questions from archived domains are still visible in portal
    Questions from archived/inactive domains were still visible
  • Filter issues in quality list
    Make sure users have more filtering possibilities in the quality list
  • Export GL account in PDF presents ID and american date format.
  • [WKR] All companies (concern regeling) doesn't work anymore
    The group arrangement in the WKR module now takes all administration into account.
  • GL account group by item/contact doesn't take the selected periode into account
    When grouping by item, contact or country the data that is presented will take the period of the data selector into account.
  • Remove project does not work in FinStatementLine for specific action
    During the processing of a bank transaction user are able to assign that transaction to a project and if the user removes that project Yuki will now update that bank transactions so, that the bank transaction is not assigned to a project.

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