Yuki release mei 2021

Gewijzigd op Wed, 28 Jul 2021 om 12:59 PM

Software release

  • Overzicht activa te downloaden als CSV-bestand

Het overzicht activa kan behalve als PDF-bestand nu ook worden gedownload als een CSV-bestand.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving hiervan zie artikel Overzicht activa downloaden en afdrukken.

Opgeloste bugs

  • XS: Unclear transactions not visible in question
    End-users will now always be able to see the list with the unclear transactions attached to the question.
  • With MT940 of the Bunq bank Yuki doesn't take the entry date (boekingdatum) in the :61: element into account and uses only the valuedate ( rentedatum)
    If a users uploads a MT940 file from the Bunq bank Yuki will now properly take the transaction date and value (rente) date into account.
  • Calculating the "Total amount collection file" Yuki doesn't take the already received amounts into account
    In the collection module, the Total amount collection file now takes the outstanding amount into account.
  • Reopen doesn't work
    If a user reopens a question that was previously marked as complete and sends a new (or follow up) question, then the question will be assigned to the end-user instead of the BO portal of the accountant.
  • "Processed documents" does not show purchase and sales credit note icons
    The processed documents page (YukiProcessedTransactions.aspx) will now show the correct icons for sales and purchase credit notes in case of a negative amount.
  • Allow the role Backoffice Controller to see the year endtoolbar
    Users with the Backoffice Controller role wil now be able to see the Year end toolbar.
  • Petty cash, visa or bank transactions stuck after removing the document
    Pettycash, visa or bank transactions that are not linked to a document anymore and cannot be deleted, will now be fixed in inconsistency 8.
  • XAF Audit file is missing amounts when costs are accrued over multiple years
    The XAF exports now include transactions when the total amounts are accrued over multiple years
  • English Paypal headers reads amounts incorrectly because of . and , separators
    Paypal files can now be processed with decimal seperators comma’s and dots in the amounts.
  • User doesn't get a language upon domain creation leading to inconsistent default BO questions
    When the end user is created at the moment of the domain creation, we will now store the language of this user so the tasks will be displayed in the correct language.
  • Error when opening print version with all years selected
    Selecting the printable version of transactions on a specific GL account was showing an error when you selected ‘all years’.

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