Yuki release april 2020

Gewijzigd op Wed, 28 Jul 2021 om 11:53 AM

Software release

  • Handmatig medewerkers vanuit Nmbrs® importeren

Vanuit het scherm 'Nmbrs service' in een domein is het nu mogelijk om alle medewerkers vanuit Nmbrs® handmatig te importeren. Hierdoor kunnen de geïmporteerde medewerkers al in Yuki worden aangemaakt (met correct personeelsnummer, naam, adresgegevens en bankrekening) voordat de salarisstroken voor de eerste keer worden geïmporteerd.  

Reeds aangemaakte werknemers in Yuki met een ingevuld BSN dat overeenkomt met het BSN in Nmbrs zullen worden geüpdatet indien er een wijziging in de werknemersgegevens in Nmbrs heeft plaatsgevonden.

Opgeloste bugs

  • AD12752 Copying or crediting a sales invoice in the old sales module put the invoice in Pending state
  • AD12744 Quotations: Invoice line does not give red indication after failed validation

  • AD12928 Issue with selecting a layout for a draft contract

  • AD9388, FD133865 Lastpass icon is no longer shown in the contact and structured payment ID field of the BO entry screen.

  • AD11290, FD149539 VAT checklist in accountants portal still showed the vat returns of archived domains

  • AD11294, FD146817 VAT notifications were created in archived domains

  • AD11995, FD157734 Merging two contacts failed and ended up in the errorlog; this has been resolved.

  • AD9700, FD136656 Removed legacy users caused an incorrect user count in the Yuki invoices

  • AD11584, FD147955 We now correctly show the monthly comparison of costs & revenue when the user uses a broken bookyear and selected the ‘up untill’ setting.

  • AD12000, FD158409 We did not correctly save the background pdf of invoice reminders. This has been resolved.

  • AD12087, FD159201 Profit & Loss with 13 periods did not correctly take into account the 'up untill' setting.

  • AD12289 NMBRS: Correctly apply the four weekly period type.

  • AD12529 NMBRS: Load accountant auto-import settings if the domain settings are left empty 

  • AD11950, FD157674 SEPA file shows CASH on the XML for regular transfers

  • AD12512 Instructions to share a folder between Dropbox and Yuki is now in Spanish

  • AD10451, FD152112 Creating an invoice in a non-VAT administration disrupts invoice editor lay-out

  • AD12336 Price list is not visible in the 2.0 sales menu when the old navigation is on 

  • AD11935 Price lists: Change 'Edit' to 'Update prices' in the price list overview to bulk edit prices

  • AD11959 Bulk edit in price list goes wrong when you only have an end date and it is not changed

  • AD11949 User with Purchase role still saw financials menu

  • AD10994. FD156377 Sales webservice could be used with only freemium active. This is now only possible with the full sales module active

  • AD10994, FD145401 Curing sales invoice creation, non-EU countries didn't show all the VAT codes when clicking 'Show everything' in the invoice line VAT code selector

  • AD12188 Reminders that could not be sent weren't saved properly

  • AD8785, FD128733 Intermediate report compared only the last twelve months when the administration changed from an extended fiscal year to a regular fiscal year.

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