Opgeloste bugs
AD3949, AD4547, FD71557, FD884444, FD106096 Documents uploaded, or sent through e-mail, with a long file names were cut short and lost their file extension.
AD5773, FD106447 Profit and loss by fiscal year shows all years.
AD5877., FD102189 The “Delete unused contacts” report didn't always display values in the list.
AD5889 Reset invoice to defaults didn't show when selecting from popup datalist. Reset now also available for quotations.
AD6105 The input fields and label where being cut off when they were not wide enough. Input fields will now show a ellipsis and the labels will wrap when they are too long.
AD6438 Creating a new contact from an invoice did not display correct phone and email fields.
AD6697 You can now right mouse click on the create new invoice or quotation button in the top right so you can do this in a new tab of your browser.
AD6917, FD114120 When the line of a remark was to long on a Invoice or Quotation the line went of of the document bounds. These lines will now wrap automatically.
AD6962, FD113762 Content of the "Invoices In transit" is not visible.
AD6992 The “Switch template” button was not always working in the old layout builder page.
AD7043 Remove the check on tag VATCentralisation for code of automatic VAT centralization.
AD7132 Users with role "Payment Administrator" were also selectable when assigning Backoffice questions.
AD7135 AD7135 Check on displaying Comandi tile wasn't correct.
AD7231 Payroll tax was not imported in the Nmbrs import, due to duplicate filenames.
AD7237 The VAT job didn't look at the “VAT approval” setting.
AD7245 The “Sent Invoices” overview did not link to the actual invoices.
AD7250 Country in the address block of new invoices displayed the code instead of the full country description.
AD7267 Selectable payment methods in an invoice are now based on a debit or credit value of the invoice.
AD7273 Sales item history displayed wrong data due to query error.
AD7317 Correctly show the max time in the IDR queue report.
AD6892, FD114165 Missing picture of Frans S.
AD6554 New sales invoice layouts are missing a Due date
AD6963 Message ‘saved invoices’ is missing
AD7018 FD114458 Mollie bankstatements error: Het importeren van het elektronische afschrift is gefaald. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
AD7047, FD111385 The description of Mollie refunds are not shown in Yuki
AD6160 Reviewed quotation Yuki don't contain the attachments
AD6060 Popup "full-screen" price lists don't scroll in Edge.
AD6609, FD112546 Tags are not saved on sales invoices
AD5939 No hide the price agreement option
AD6545 Contact person is not cleared when changing the contact of a copied invoice
AD7019 Freemium check doesn't take Portal Plus into consideration causing a false warning the user needs to upgrade to a full invoice module.
AD6162 Quotation specific values were missing in the new document viewer.
AD7097 Commas in administration name are now removed from CSV export of transactions
AD6507 Enabling or disabling a country specific GL Account will now overwrite the master code settings in Yuki Central when creating the country GL script + Enabled Spanish IRPF GL accounts by default for Spain.
AD6984 Total number of administrations and overall satisfaction is not displayed in Country Backoffice Monitor
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