Yuki release oktober 2023

Gewijzigd op Tue, 31 Oct 2023 om 01:23 PM

Software release

  • Vernieuwde interface standaardwaarden en eenvoudiger UBL-regels aanmaken

De overzichtspagina van standaardwaarden (lokale verwerkingsregels) is vernieuwd. De standaardwaarden en de UBL-regels worden nu in twee aparte overzichten getoond. Je kunt eenvoudig de standaardwaarden filteren op documentsoort of betaalwijze.

Daarnaast is het aanmaken van UBL-regels een stuk eenvoudiger geworden: selecteer een factuurregel in een recente factuur van de relatie waardoor de UBL-details automatisch worden ingevuld in de UBL-regel die moet worden aangemaakt.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Standaardwaarden (lokale verwerkingsregels in domein.

  • Opnieuw per e-mail versturen van verkoopfactuur vanuit factuurhistorie

Vanuit het overzicht 'Factuurhistorie' kan een verkoopfactuur per e-mail naar een ander e-mailadres van een klant worden verstuurd.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving zie artikel Factuurhistorie.

Opgeloste bugs

  • 66009 Sales invoice created from "Contracts" goes wrong with VAT
    Creating an invoice from a contract, when including a contract line with VAT code 'VAT exempt' resulted in an incorrect VAT amount on the invoice. The issue occurs when a domain has a combination of VAT liable and Non-VAT liable administrations This issue has now been resolved.
  • 164959 User linked to domain but not visible
    There was an issue in the 'idm' domain, where we were invoicing a ghost user. The user now no longer is associated with the domain.
  • 174106 FinMonitor.aspx access Invoice Modes Split, Do not Invoice, Per Company, Per domain
    For some of the older pricings, we were seeing that their access to the financial monitor was removed. This has now been fixed.
  • 174473 Export journals missing documents pt. II
    Fixed an important bug where the journal exports didn't contain all necessary transactions when the export found place in a separate job. We fixed this bug in sprint 133 (52172) for on the spot generation of PDF journals, but didn't take into account the generation through a job. Now we also fixed this.
  • The end-date is set on the first day of the next month, causing clickable overview to have data that is not requested.
    Link in the employee hours overview now redirects the user to the details page in the correct period.
  • 157502 analytical accounting - Dimensions dropdown needs to get scroll functionality
    In the analytical accounting feature we now have a scroll functionality in the dimensions list of the profit & loss reports.
  • 164572 Two-factor authentication required from portal user doesn't work
    Fixed MFA enabling modal when is set by the Portal Administrator as required.
  • 162268 Part II - As user with BO role I receive my own question when I want to ask a question to my accountant
    Fixed FD 162268 (+former FD 74926 ánd Dutch tracker FD 163835): in self-accounting domains, entrepreneurs can again ask questions to their accountants. The questions will arrive in all necessary domain and portal overviews. Previously the questions asked by an entrepreneur always were sent to the user who was set as communication contact for the administration and not the accountant. 
  • 131085 invoice lines missing on default invoice layout
    When creating an invoice, using the default layout template of the sales settings (as created by default when the administration was created), invoice lines would sometimes be invisible due to incorrect page margins. The error has been resolved for new administrations that will be created, as the default layout will be set with correct margins.
    The fix will not solve the exsting issues. For customers that experience this issue, a manual adjustment of the page margins will be required for the affected layout.

  • 151446 send status peppol not the same between domain and YC
    When sending invoices through Peppol, the Peppol delivery status would not always be updated correctly in Yuki. This issue has now been resolved.

  • 147135 Last line on invoice layout not visible
    When creating an invoice, using the default layout template of the sales settings (as created by default when the administration was created), invoice lines would sometimes be invisible due to incorrect page margins. The error has been resolved for new administrations that will be created, as the default layout will be set with correct margins.
    The fix will not solve the existing issues. For customers that experience this issue, a manual adjustment of the page margins will be required for the affected layout.
  • 164963 Sales invoice 'processed false' cannot be processed anymore in Yuki
    When using the sales webservice to create invoices that need to be processed in Yuki manually, an error would occur when processing through the sales invoice editor. The issue occurs when a reference is submitted in the webservice call, as this resulted in a conflict with the Yuki invoice numbering. The issue has been resolved, when processing invoices manually in Yuki, the Yuki invoice numbering is used (and the custom reference is omitted).
  • 74926 As user with BO role I receive my own question when I want to ask a question to my accountant 
    When selfaccounting is activated and the user with BO role answers a question from his BO, the BO user will receive the answer again.
  • 166388 Set a max amount for transactions in PDF export
    The maximum amount of transaction lines allowed in a PDF transaction export is set to 10.000 to prevent impractical pdf documents. Users will receive a warning to change the start/end-date of the export requested.

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