Yuki release november 2022

Gewijzigd op Thu, 24 Nov 2022 om 03:11 PM

Software release

  • Btw webservice (alleen te gebruiken via koppeling Yuki met AdminPulse)

Deze webservice haalt vanuit AdminPulse de statussen op van ingediende btw-aangiften in Yuki. Hierdoor wordt een (deel)taak in de taskflow van AdminPulse automatisch op de status 'Klaar' gezet.

Voor een uitgebreide beschrijving van de koppeling tussen Yuki en AdminPulse, zie artikel Status ingediende btw-aangifte doorsturen vanuit Yuki.

Opgeloste bugs

  • 93419 no option to undo accrue costs when document preview is active
    In the overview of the GL account we fixed the revert option which wasn't visible to undo accrue costs/revenue.
  • 112305 GLaccount appears twice in trial balance
    In a specific domain, there was a GL account appearing twice in the trial balance. This has been resolved, and we have implemented additional measures to prevent the issue from happening.
  • 112319 F & G cannot be used in description reconcile page
    Both the F and the G characters could not be used in the description of the reconcile page, this has now been resolved.
  • 104365 Rabobank new bank connection - handling of 0,00 transaction lines
    0,00 bank transactions imported through the Rabobank API will not cause any errors anymore when opening the statement:
    • if a statement contains multiple transactions of which 1 or several are "0,00" transactions we will just ignore and not show these transaction lines in our software
    • if a statement only contains "0,00" transaction lines we will just save the statement in the archive, but that's it
  • Netherlands 73018 Cannot create or modify transactions before xx/xx/xx
    When a controller changes or creates new financial transactions in a blocked period it will automatically trigger the automated profit/loss transfer feature making sure all reports are up to date ánd accessible for all users. This is the solution part II to the problem not being able to open the assets & liabilities and trial balance reports with the error message"Cannot create transactions before XX/XX/XXXX".
    The automated profit/loss booking will be triggered automatically when a controller is closing a bookyear to prevent reports from inaccessible. This is the solution part I to the problem not being able to open the assets & liabilities and trial balance reports with the error message"Cannot create transactions before XX/XX/XXXX".
  • 109860 Still a backdoor to go towards old assets version
    Fixed an issue in the Asset List table where opening a certain link in a new tab/window would cause the old UI to appear, when it should show the new UI.
    Fixed an issue where opening the GLAccount links in the Asset List table would result in an error page.
  • 102187 incorrect supplier name for banks in check entries
    The contact relation in the Entry Checklist Bank journal was incorrectly always showing the name of the bank. It has now been resolved that the correct contact is selected.
  • 67136 "Transaction" amount search results are not clear whether they are deposited or withdrawn
    Transaction lines in the "Transaction" section of domain search results now show a minus when the amount is a withdrawal ánd we no longer showing the document type number + the "|" sign in the search results of this very same "Transaction" section.
  • 66723 Make sure deleted questions from domains are also synced to portals
    We think we have solved the problem with the orphaned questions in portal. This will not restore current orphaned questions. This will only prevent new questions from bein unsyned with the domains. Please let us know if you after this release still she the issue occurring.

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